We are Magic lovers. We opened our doors in 1994, and, since that very moment, our commitment to Magic and to our clients has helped us to go along a beautiful path which made us a worldwide renowned and appreciated trade mark.

Our store is the biggest magic store in in all of South America.
We are permanently innovating so as to give you the best assistance. We are extremely careful with all the involved process: since production to selling of a product, its delivery and arrival at destiny, anywhere you choose in the world.
We always prioritize personal treatment towards our clients. Honesty and respect are our main values.
We are focused on that amateur magicians as well as professional ones feel at ease and assured when using our products. We are linked by a strong passion: love, respect and admiration for Magic Art.
Bazar de Magia is organized in four different Departments or Unities, separated but linked in between. The first of these Unities to be mentioned is “The Store”, placed in 969 Hipólito Yirigoyen Street, Buenos Aires City, and our website from which we sell to the public, as well in Argentina as worldwide. In this segment we offer not only our own products, made in Bazar de Magia, but also tricks from anywhere in the world, as much classic ones as novelties. To make communication with our clients easier and quicker, we are also present in social networks.
Our second Unity is our Plant, in which the magic tricks we export to the whole world are made. We have distributors in U.S.A., Europe and Asia, that guarantee our products arrival to hundreds of magic stores all over the world. Since 1994 Bazar de Magia is exporting tricks, assuring that Argentine Magic reaches the whole planet. That is why we may feel so proud to be a traditional trade mark in the world of magic.
Our third Unity, a very special one, is our Magic School “Fu Manchú”. Through our classrooms have passed thousands of enthusiastic pupils, that, as time went on, have developed into big magic amateur fans that now enjoy a beautiful hobby. At the same time, many professional magicians began their training at Bazar de Magia. Since year 2020 we also teach virtual courses in which pupils enjoy multimedia contents in our Virtual Campus. All, face to face as well as virtual courses, are run by professional magicians. Magic lovers as we are, to contribute to maintain traditions and to spread our art with respect and responsibility, is our goal.
Finally, and to close a circle, Bazar de Magia has created and runs the Argentine Magic Museum, in which argentine magicians memories and their legacy are kept.
We face Magic present, future and past with respect and responsibility. And, as there is no Magic without Magic fans, that practice, perform and enjoy it, our mentioned values reach to our clients, as part of our commitment.
Why we chose the name of “Bazar de Magia”
Undoubtly, Fu Manchú was a revolutionary inside magic world. One of the decisive changes he made in magic shows, was to introduce comedy into them. Until that moment, all magic acts had been extremely solemn.
Fu got fun with magic and wanted to transmit that same feeling to his audience. That was why “Bazar de Magia” was born as one of his magic shows acts. In that act, a magic store is recreated at stage. Its name - “Bazar de Magia” (“Magic Bazaar”) - may be seen in what represents the shopwindow. Fu is the store´s salesman. He pretends to be busy when a client gets into the store and asks Fu for a silk that disappears. Fu asks the client: “Like this one?”, and performs the trick. The client, amazed and delighted, exclaims “¡Yes, that one!”. “No I don´t have it”, is Fu´s unexpected and unattractive answer, which makes the client angry. The client begs, Fu refuses, and this becomes a recurrent joke. The complexity of the tricks shown escalate; the client performs some of the tricks himself. The “grand finale” is reached when Fu Manchú disappears from stage just to reappear, immediately, among the audience. This act became Fu Manchú’s show trademark.
And, as we admire Fu Manchú and are so fan of him, we adopted for our magic store that same name: “Bazar de Magia”.
We are ready to accompany you, as well from our website as from our Buenos Aires Store, so that you may enjoy the tricks that, according to your desires and needs, we may offer you. To visit our Bazar It is not necessary “to know magic”; it is just needed to respect and preserve its secrets, so that they may also be enjoyed by everybody else.
He is the very first one you meet when you arrive to the Bazar, the one who will assist and advise you about the more convenient tricks for your needs and wishes.He is a professional magician and, since very young, he embraced a passion for magic. He is also an enthusiastic David Copperfield fan.

Martín Mendoza
He is a fundamental piece of Bazar de Magia, since years ago, even though he prefers to believe he arrived just yesterday.He coordinates all the logistic needed for the production of the tricks we export abroad.

Lorena Carrizo
All of the tricks we produce in Bazar de Magia have, now and then, received a magic touch from her hands. She is always ready to face new challenges.

Monica Romano
Her hands are really magic and that is transmitted to our tricks. She joined Bazar de Magia years ago and is always ready to solve any production inconvenient.

William Lamas
He is responsible for the equipment needed in our production: one more cutting, a last drilling… and the trick you are about to enjoy is already finished.

Martin Pacheco
Alma mater, owner and motor of Bazar de Magia
Amateur magician, his passion for magic made a trip through time, when he also created the Museo Argentino de Magia, Argentine Magic Museum. His collection of books about magic is unmatched.

Claudia Pisano
Her permanent care is on behalf of giving proper attention to the client. Her motto is “Clients must feel happy when they leave Bazar de Magia”. She is the face behind Bazar de Magia e-mails and MDs. She is, too, one of the Bazar owners .