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Chicken Pan - Double Load - Aluminum
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Chicken Pan - Double Load - Aluminum
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U$S 42.00
Show the pan empty, and put the lid on tight. Immediately remove the lid, a chicken, a hamster or something so is inside! and then make another load appear. Whatever the load you produce can be the size of the pan.
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Rabbit Pan Double
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U$S 98.00
What a load! Finally, a beautifully made pan with a load that will secretly hold a rabbit and then some!! Introducing the Bazar de Magia Rabbit Pan Double Load! Single- and double-load versions available
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Deluxe Milk Glass
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U$S 11.50
The magician takes a glass of milk and pours it into a paper cone. He immediately opens the paper cone showing it is empty and dry: The milk is gone! This new model has more capacity, better design and works perfectly!
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BDM Hands Off - The Perfect Chest by Martin Pacheco
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U$S 295.00
Good luck is always on your side, and in such a magical and clean way as you never imagined BDM Hands Off is the last chest produced by Bazar de Magia , which surpasses all the other ones created so far. Four keys are given to the spectators to verify that they do not open the chest.  A fifth key is given , which they verify that it opens it . Then the magic begins.
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Okito Glass
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U$S 16.00
This glass is a Theo Bamberg (Okito) creation. It allows you to make many tricks, and may be used as an useful device in performing many effects. Because the glass has a tube inside, it may be used as a bottomless glass. At the same time, you may have liquid inside the glass, all around the tube.
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Salted 2.0 by Ruben Vilagrand and Vernet Magic
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U$S 90.00
Have you ever wanted to perform the Long Salt Pour trick? Imagine vanishing the salt and instantly showing both hands empty! Ruben Vilagrand, the last winner of FISM Europe in Invention, has done the impossible: he created a new gimmick that combines all the features of existing gimmicks and much more!
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