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Mc Donalds Aces
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Mc Donalds Aces
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U$S 5.00
The 'Ace Assembly' is a classic trick, where the four Aces are dealt out in a line, and three odd cards dropped on top of each one. One at a time, the Aces vanish cleanly from their packets, all assembling in the last packet, that a spectator has had their hand on top of since the beginning of the trick!
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Mentalism Forcing Bag
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U$S 25.00
Made in heavy duty plastic and with extremely transparent clothe, which allows you to see, inside the bag, the objects to be exchanged. Ideal to change papers, coins, cards, etc. 
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The Art of Card Manipulation DVD Vol 1 - Jeff McBride
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U$S 63.00
Jeff McBride, renowned performer and one of the finest card manipulators of our time, teaches you the inside secrets of professional card manipulation. Routines, sleights, productions and flourishes are clearly taught and demonstrated, along with sample routines and the seasoned advice that only a working professional can provide. 
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Juegos de Manos y de Baraja J.K. Spitzmuller
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U$S 30.00
Libro Usado, en español, muy buen estado. Ed. Tabarin, Barcelona.
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Las Maravillas de la Magia Moderna Dr. Areny de...
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U$S 120.00
Libro usado, en Español, muy buen estado . Ed. Maucci, Barcelona, c.
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Los Aros Chinos por Jerito 1949
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U$S 60.00
 El libro difícil de encontra publicado en 1949 SEI ( Sociedad Española de Ilu
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Torch to Rose
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U$S 15.32
Ideal if your style of magic is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde type, you enter with a torch and transform it into a flower! Ahhh, they all say. A simple magic trick full of effect!
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Costume Bag
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U$S 40.00
A  bag is displayed to the audience. The magician shows the bag is empty, turning it inside out and allowing a member of the audience to feel the inside. A silk handkerchief is dropped into the bag and a child from the audience is asked to wave his hand over the bag making the handkerchief vanish.  You receive a very nice Custome Bag ,  Available in 4 models, you can select the one you want here.
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Los secretos de la prestidigitación y de la Magia -...
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U$S 250.00
Primera Edición en español de 1875 del libro de Robert Houdin
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