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Magic Show Coloring Book (3 way)
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U$S 14.40
A coloring book is shown to the audience have all blank pages.. The magician (that's you) asks the kids in the audience to point at the coloring book and say the magic words.. You then show there is a different drawing on each and every page However, the drawing are not colored in..
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Toon Ballon by Gustavo Raley
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U$S 80.00
Introducing Toon Balloon : Blow up a balloon, draw a face, and watch it talk! Named one of the top 10 effects at Blackpool convention. Includes all you need, plus tutorials for various routines. Perfect for magicians and ventriloquists alike. Get creative with endless possibilities!
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Prime Box by George Iglesias & Twister Magic
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U$S 40.00
Introducing the SUPER BIG PRIMEBOX! This magic trick looks like a shipping box, allowing you to show it empty, close it, and magically fill it with items of your choice—then let spectators examine it! Customizable with shipping labels, it’s perfect for stage magic and social media. Available in different sizes for you to choose from here
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