• Inside by Michel & Vernet Magic
Inside by Michel & Vernet Magic

Inside by Michel & Vernet Magic

The mentalist presents a sealed envelope, inside of which is a closed card box. After a spectator freely names any card, they open the box to find a deck and a prediction stating, "Your card will be the number 14." Counting 14 cards, the spectator discovers their named card.

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U$S 35.00
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The mentalist displays a completely sealed envelope, then a spectator freely names ANY CARD. The performer takes out a closed card box from inside the envelope. The spectator holds the box and opens it. Inside the case there is a deck of cards and a prediction folded into quarters. The prediction reads, for example: “Your card will be the number 14.” The spectator counts 14 cards in the deck and finds his freely named card!

  • The spectator can name ANY CARD
  • No memory or calculations
  • Both sides of the card box are shown
  • The spectator takes the cards and the prediction from the box
  • Use your own deck of cards

You receive:

  • A specially manufactured card box and envelope.
  • Special Gimmick.
  • A post-it pad.
  • Video download with step by step explanations.
The mentalist presents a sealed envelope, inside of which is a closed card box. After a spectator freely names any card, they open the box to find a deck and a prediction stating, "Your card will be the number 14." Counting 14 cards, the spectator discovers their named card.

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