• Agua en el Periódico
  • Agua en el Periódico
  • Agua en el Periódico
  • Agua en el Periódico
Agua en el Periódico

Water in the Newspaper

A true classic of stage magic or children's magic: the magician shows a diary, pours a glass of water between its pages and then shows that the water has disappeared. In the end the water is produced from the newspaper again.

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U$S 10.91
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A true classic of stage magic or children's magic, very easy to do and with a surprising effect! The magician shows a diary, pours a glass of water or any liquid between its pages and then shows that the water has disappeared, turning its pages one by one. In the end the water is produced again from the newspaper. A fun variant is to put water in the newspaper and finally get orange juice!

A true classic of stage magic or children's magic: the magician shows a diary, pours a glass of water between its pages and then shows that the water has disappeared. In the end the water is produced from the newspaper again.

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