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  • Flor
  • Flor

Rose Light (Red) by JL Magi

This wonderful, visual piece of magic is great for storytellers, kids show performers and silent acts.

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U$S 16.40
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You take a rose from it's vase, hold it up and smell it. Then, you reach out and pluck out a light from thin air. Magically, you toss the light from your hand and into the rose! The rose is now glowing and creates a beautiful display. The light can be "plucked" from the rose and back into your hand. It is 100% under your control at all times.

This wonderful, visual piece of magic is great for storytellers, kids show performers and silent acts.

Self-contained & self-working!

This wonderful, visual piece of magic is great for storytellers, kids show performers and silent acts.

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