• Blown Away
Blown Away

Blown Away

An impossible prediction with a powerful effect! The magician shows a blue deck and three red cards. A spectator picks a card, completing a poker hand with the red cards. The blue cards appear identical but different from the chosen one!

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U$S 21.00
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An impossible prediction! An extremely simple trick to perform and with an explosive effect! The magician shows a blue deck and three red cards. A spectator freely chooses a card from the blue deck, and this card completes the poker along with the 3 red cards! When everyone thought that the blue cards were all the same, the magician shows them and they are all the same, but different from the one chosen! Complete, with instructions in Spanish!

An impossible prediction with a powerful effect! The magician shows a blue deck and three red cards. A spectator picks a card, completing a poker hand with the red cards. The blue cards appear identical but different from the chosen one!

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