The Magic of Pendragons Vol. 3 (DVD)
Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon have been the greatest exponents of illusions for the last 25 years. Now they present and explain all their secrets on DVD. This third volume is dedicated to his famous "Parlour and Stage Magic"
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Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon have been the greatest exponents of illusions for the last 25 years. Now they present and explain all their secrets on DVD. This second volume is dedicated to his famous "Salon and Stage Magic"
Includes: Chinese hoops, Desert sands, Kellar's rope binding, head twister, etc.
Includes: Chinese hoops, Desert sands, Kellar's rope binding, head twister, etc.
Jonathan and Charlotte Pendragon have been the greatest exponents of illusions for the last 25 years. Now they present and explain all their secrets on DVD. This third volume is dedicated to his famous "Parlour and Stage Magic"
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