• Live in China de Franz Harary
Live in China de Franz Harary

Live in China by Franz Harary

An essential documentary for mega-illusionists! For the first time, go behind the scenes with Franz and his team as they face impossible obstacles, pouring their passion into overcoming challenges to create a successful show.

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U$S 54.00
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A stunning documentary that is a must-see for mega-illusionists! For the first time, this remarkable documentary takes you backstage to delve into the real work required to be a mega-illusionist. Join Franz and his mega-magical team as they pour all their passion and dedication into overcoming impossible obstacles that threaten to make the entire production fail, time and time again. If you’ve ever dreamed of standing center stage as the star of your own multi-million dollar show, you owe it to yourself to join Franz on his journey and share the lessons learned.

An essential documentary for mega-illusionists! For the first time, go behind the scenes with Franz and his team as they face impossible obstacles, pouring their passion into overcoming challenges to create a successful show.

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